Journeyman Weekly Blog - Week 2 - Testing the Mettle

Welcome back!

Week two of the project starts out with Shoo assigning all of the artists an art test that would allow him and myself to get a better idea of the art team's skills, he provided a reference for a simple crate to model and texture. Along with this, our sole Technical Artist, James, created a logo to present his skillset instead of modelling a crate like the rest of us. This helped a lot as it allowed us to get a feel for his work in UI, which was his main focus for the project. Once all of us handed in the work for the art test, Shoo provided feedback and constructive criticism to guide us along for future tasks. Below is my offering for the test.

Lastly, myself and the Leads of the project discussed the general design aesthetic of our player character. We came to the decision that they will be inspired by Julius Belmont, a character from the Castlevania series, and that he would be designed around a holy background. 

Thats all for this blog entry, see you in in the next blog entry!

