
Showing posts from February, 2021

Journeyman Weekly Blog - Week 4 - Stabbin' Time

Good to see you again! In week four, I started work on the dagger, gathering references and coming up with what kind of style I wanted to go for. I figured the best way to go about any weapon props I was making would be to give them all a consistent visual identity, which was a blend of wood, metals and energy. Something modern, classical and futuristic. Below is the moodboard filled with references of what I'm looking for. By the end of week 4, I had modelled the handle of the dagger, going for the modernistic, full metal grip as seen with the knife seen in the centre of the moodboard, with some holes that look a bit more gothic than just ovals. A button was added in to emphasise the "energy blade" vibe I was going for, with the blade extending when the button was pressed, like the Energy Sword from Halo.  Below is the WIP shots of the dagger, with the blade itself still in the blockout phase. Thats all for this weeks blog, see you next time! -Jake

Journeyman Weekly Blog - Week 3 - Ready to Rumble

And we're back! Since my last blog post, myself and Shoo got to work on organising and distributing tasks between the art team. Shoo created a Trello for us all to track the tasks that we had drawn up so we could assign them to all the artists. After some back and forth between the artists on who would do what, we had our first tasks assigned and we were ready to get going. Alongside this, I created an art document to guide the team on tri count limits and texture export settings in substance painter. This allows us all to be on a consistent across the board with our asset creation and material structure. The consistent material setups is also key to allow the design team to save time with setting up in engine materials as it means they wont have to set up unique materials for each asset. Below is the art doc I created, where you can see the guidelines set. The team also decided on the name for our project. With a bit of back and forth on what to go with, the team landed on "W...

Journeyman Weekly Blog - Week 2 - Testing the Mettle

Welcome back! Week two of the project starts out with Shoo assigning all of the artists an art test that would allow him and myself to get a better idea of the art team's skills, he provided a reference for a simple crate to model and texture. Along with this, our sole Technical Artist, James, created a logo to present his skillset instead of modelling a crate like the rest of us. This helped a lot as it allowed us to get a feel for his work in UI, which was his main focus for the project. Once all of us handed in the work for the art test, Shoo provided feedback and constructive criticism to guide us along for future tasks. Below is my offering for the test. Lastly, myself and the Leads of the project discussed the general design aesthetic of our player character. We came to the decision that they will be inspired by Julius Belmont, a character from the Castlevania series, and that he would be designed around a holy background.  Thats all for this blog entry, see you in in the nex...

Journeyman Weekly Blog - Week 1 - Pre-production

Hello there! Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Jake, and I am the Junior Lead Artist for Team 12. I will be supporting Shoo, our Lead Artist in directing the rest of the art team in creating asset for the vertical slice we have to produce. To get started, we funnelled into the group's Discord server after our teams and roles were revealed. I started out by helping to organise the server with dedicated channels and roles for the team members. Each subsection of the team would get its own group of channels to work in, these being Leads, Game Art, Game Design and Game Programming, alongside a general section for everyone to converse in for group meetings etc.. Below is an example of how these channels were formatted. Moving on from this, we quickly gathered to work out what we were going to do for the project. We were given three different games to base our Verticle Slice on, these options being: House of the Dead, Castlevania and Metal Slug. As a team we voted on Castlevania b...