Journeyman Weekly Blog - Week 10 - Glowing Up
It's nice to see you again, our time is coming to a close. Since the last blog, I worked with James to complete the health bar for James. Like the game logo before, the Health Bar was created in Blender, and was rendered out as static images to link up with the different states of the player's health. I designed the health bar to change colours to reperesent the state in which the player was in, three green bars being full, two yellow bars being hurt, one red bar being critical, and all black bars being dead. Below is a representation of how this will look in game. When working with James, he noted some issues with trying to get these renders to work with his system, so I was asked to provide renders of just the gems to see if that would work instead. Upon receiving these seperate renders, James was able to overlay the gems on top of the "dead" state render, this seemed to work but only for the green gems. James said that this would work at the very least in case he w...